Rieko Osu Lab. cognitive neuroscience,
School of Human Science, Waseda Univ. JAPAN
早稲田大学人間科学学術院 大須理英子研究室(認知神経科学)
Rieko Osu Lab. cognitive neuroscience,
School of Human Science, Waseda Univ. JAPAN
早稲田大学人間科学学術院 大須理英子研究室(認知神経科学)
Our lab is interested in understanding how our brain works to keep our life healthy and happy,
hoping to provide new approaches to recover from body/mind deficit.
Key concepts of our research are;
motor control and plasticity (since we are animals)
implicit neural mechanisms (since most of the decisions are made implicitly)
interactions (since we are supposed to be social)
Our approaches are;
behavioral experiments
noninvasive measurement of brain
noninvasive brain stimulation
computational approac

Waseda University School of Human Science
135-1, Horinouchi, Tokorozawa city, Saitama 359-1165, JAPAN
Frontier Research Center(Building No.110) #205 #210 (lab)
mailing address:
Tokorozawa Campus Waseda University2-579-15, Mikajima, Tokorozawa city, Saitama, 259-1102, JAPANU
(c) Osu lab, Waseda University, 2020