Rieko Osu Lab. cognitive neuroscience,
School of Human Science, Waseda Univ. JAPAN
早稲田大学人間科学学術院 大須理英子研究室(認知神経科学)
Rieko Osu Lab. cognitive neuroscience,
School of Human Science, Waseda Univ. JAPAN
早稲田大学人間科学学術院 大須理英子研究室(認知神経科学)
Reserch Theme
Motor control and learning
Internal model and switching
How to actively relax our body
Improving sports performance by modulating the brain
Facilitating the use of affected hand
Measuring motivation for rehabilitation
Interaction of body and brain
Inter-brain synchronization during interaction
Developmental disorders / Psychiatric disorders
implicit/explicit recognition of social skills
neurofeedback for attention control

EEG(Biosemi Active2 / Cognionics Quick30 / OpenBCI)
Eye-Tracker(Pupil labs)
VR goggles(Oculus / VIVE with pupil labs)
EMG, Accelerometer(Delsys Trigno)
HR, Respiration, GSR (Cognionics GEN2)
NIRS(NeU HOT2000 / NIRx NIRSport2 / HITACHI ETG-4000P)
Magnetic Motion Tracker(POLHEMUS FASTRAK)
tDCS(NeuroConn DC stimulator)
TMS(Magstim 200)
electrostimulator(日本光電 SEN)
GPU computer(G-tune)
(c) Osu lab, Waseda University, 2020